Business Education


When I started this business, it really wasn’t one.  The reality was that it was a hobby where I got to create pretty artwork and be creative.  There was no attention paid to PNL statements or ROI and there certainly was no type of workflow.  The honest truth was that the business ran me and not the other way around.  It ruled our lives and created a lot of tension that didn’t need to be there.  Over the past few years, as this hobby has evolved into a legitimate business there has been one ultimate truth that has stood out and that is that I need to learn as much as I can about the industry I am in while also stepping out and learning from what other industries are doing.

Stepping Out

Stepping outside of my industry was one of the best things that I ever did.  Over the past year I have spent time attending various trainings that are being used by  companies like Citrix and the U.S. Government to obtain better work environments and higher levels of customer satisfaction.  I have seen a massive change in not only my personal outlook but also the way that my business operates.  It is easy to stay within the comfortable bubble of what my industry is offering in the form of education but it is so much more exciting to get out there and learn from other business leaders how they work and what tools they use to be successful.

Applying it to a Move

So how do I apply this concept to a move?  Look up what great business education is in the area you are moving to.  Find out what workshops, conferences, and industry leaders are there and learn from them.  When it comes to education and moving, I look at it through the lens of opportunity.  I am in a brand new place with amazingly smart people and I have three years to learn and soak up everything I can.  I expect that my business will grow, age, and mature with each new place we call home because of the education and experiences I am exposed to.  What opportunity for growth awaits you in the new location that you move to?