SEO is king when it comes to moving

SEO is king when it comes to moving

SEO is King when Moving

Over the years I have learned that one of the most important things in my business is SEO.  It is also one of the most difficult things to understand.  I am by no means an expert on it but there are several simple things I have picked up over the years that have helped insure that I don’t get entirely lost in the mix of things.

Flipping the Switch on SEO

Recently I talked about using your newsletter list to its fullest potential.  Once that has been done, you need to start implementing SEO for the new town you are moving to.  So how do we do that?  There are two ways of going about it and I have done both.  Our past few moves I have done my own SEO with decent results and booking clients before we ever moved.  The first way requires a lot more work on your part and has less of a guarantee of working while the second has shown me even higher ROI than attempting to do it on my own.

  1. D.I.Y – in the past I have done the SEO thing myself and it was rough and time consuming.  Yes monetarily it looked like it was a better choice but when you look at the amount of time it took from doing other important things, it was really not something I want to do again on my own.
    • Go over your website with a fine tooth comb and change your current location to your new location using key words that work for your new home.
    • Change the names of all your jpg to reflect where you are moving to.
    • Change ALL of your social media to reflect where you are moving to.
    • Start posting bucket lists of things you want to do or places you want to shoot when you get there.
  2. Outsource – I started outsourcing my SEO a few years ago and I have to say that the idea of not having to change EVERYTHING myself for every future move is amazing.  The amount of bookings and inquires has quadrupled from when I was doing it on my own and I can’t imagine attempting to do it on my own again.

So in tackling the dreaded SEO beast there are some key things that you need to do even if you aren’t moving.

  1. Make sure your photos are renamed with alt text and key words for your area
  2. Make sure your contact information is EASY to find on all of your social media and website.  Nothing frustrates people more than wanting to get in touch with you and being unable to.

Want to know more about how I handle my SEO?  E-mail me at or post a comment below.  Want additional tips to move your business forward?  Sign up below to be on the VIP list