How to Plan for Moving a Business

How to Plan for Moving

Planning for moving your house is difficult enough without having to move a business.  When you have a well thought out plan though, it becomes all the more easier to do.  We as a family generally get notified five to six months before the move actually happens.  This allows for me to easily implement a 30, 60, and 90 day plan to physically move my business successfully.

The 90 Day Plan

A lot can be accomplished in 90 days but without a well thought out plan, we tend to load all of our to do’s into the last 30 days of that 90 day plan.  We get busy, we procrastinate, or we forget and then have to spend a month playing catch up.  This never serves our clients well and ends up leaving us looking like a hot mess.  I always start with the 90 day plan and make big master list of what has to be accomplished before the movers get to our house to pack us up.  From there comes the 30, 60, and 90 day plan.

Divide it Up

Once you have your master list of things that need to be accomplished start dividing them into what has to be done immediately to start gaining clients and what must wait until you are ready to leave.  For example, reaching out to vendors in our new area would be first on my list of items to get done while closing down my business with the current county we are in wouldn’t happen until around the week before we leave.  By dividing these tasks into months, you will feel focused and goal oriented rather than looking at a giant to do list and feeling defeated and overwhelmed.  My favorite phrase when dealing with this is to “eat the toad”.  Do the one thing on that to do list that you fear most.  Once that ugly toad is out of the way you can move yourself forward into a new market.
