It Takes Discipline to Run a Business

It Takes Discipline to Run a Business

Have you ever looked at some people and wonder why they can get more done in a day. Have you ever looked at a competitor that just moved in and wondered how they get popular so quickly? I have one word for you to answer both of these… Discipline. In this post I will share my top suggestion for how to bring more disciple into your business.

Wake up early

One of the top things fortune 500 company CEO’s and other famous people is waking up early. It gets a jumpstart to your day and gives you an edge to everyone else. I personally wake up at 5:30AM because all of my kid are asleep and I can get some initial things done before they get up. If you look at my feed on IG, you may see us posting at that time to.

Hold your Standard

Some people may think this sounds weird but this comes in clutch when you become really busy. Sometimes we get so busy that our standards fall as we begin to focus on other priorities. The question should be do I respect my business enough to hold this standard? iIf you do then you will find the extra time or burn the midnight oil to ensure your standard does not fall. If you find yourself staying up late a lot… it might be a time to outsource.

Embrace your Weaknesses

Weaknesses can sometimes be our greatest strengths. They allow us to focus on something we are not good at and make it better. While it may be easier to embrace your strengths, it is better to embrace your weaknesses. When you embrace your weakness, you are acknowledging them and working to make them your strengths. This takes a lot of humility but will really help you in the end to be a better person and business owner.

Find the conclusion to this post by watching the youtube video:

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