Hype vs. Reality

hype vs reality when it comes to business bullshitHype vs. Reality in Business

If you have ever watched the Greatest Showman or attended a live auction then you have witnessed the hype machine in full action.  This energetic fast-talking show filled with verbal glitz and glam gets your emotions going.  It is designed to distract from the lack of substance.  It makes you feel good.

This is the hype machine and it isn’t just solely found in show business and auction houses.  In fact, we see it play out in social media and sponsored ads claiming to get you to the six-figure life in less than six months.  Typically it relies on a play of your emotions or pushes that fear button.  If you were to pull back the cotton candy coating, what would you find?

Cotton Candy Hype

Not all hype is a lie.  However, too often I have seen photographers blindly jump on the next big thing someone is selling, only to find that it was a bitter waste of money and time.  I have myself fallen into that trap.  Seeking to grow my business, I invested in courses that really didn’t deliver.  I watched them from start to finish, only to find that it glossed over superficial tactics.  The educator in question often had tons of followers on social media, speaking on stages around the country, and has followers singing their praises.  Pull the veil back though and ask the tough questions.

The Reality of Business Education

When dealing with hype vs. reality in business education, you have to dive deeper than social media stats, publications, and being on a stage.  These often rely on showmanship, personality, and charm.  They aren’t always indicators of substance.  When deciding where to invest, ask the hard questions of their past students’ business investment.

  • What was your ROI on your educational investment?
  • Did the educator solve a major problem for you?
  • Did the educator leave more questions than answers?
  • Are you asking these questions in that person’s coaching group (bad idea btw)

These questions will help you decern if the person you are looking to purchase from is full of hype or has a product that in reality will grow your business.  Some of the best educators I have learned from have been underdogs.  These folks are strong on knowledge and short on caring how large their Instagram following is.  I encourage you to cut through the BS as you decide who and where to invest.

What Do I Invest In?

Not sure what you need to invest in but know that your business needs a push forward in order to grow?  Check out our video on conducting a S.W.O.T. analysis on your business before dropping any cash anywhere.

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I hope you have enjoyed this post. Do you want to dive deeper into how to be successful in new markets or are relocating your business and need some help? Come join our course Break into a New Market.

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The reality of learning from other photographers