Welcome to the Restart Specialist

The Restart Specialist

Welcome to the new official home of the Restart Specialist.  Over the past two years this mustard seed of an idea has steadily grown into something bigger.  From just simply wanting to figure out how to effectively move my own photography business to seeing that same need in others who lived semi-nomadic lifestyles, the Restart Specialist was born.

Our Why

When I first dipped my toe into owning a photography business, no one could tell me how to move it.  I sought wise council from several industry pros who helped me immensely with crafting better portfolios and client experiences.  Every single one of them that I mentored with would get the same question from me  “. . . but how do I MOVE my business?” and not a single one of them had a solid answer.  They all acknowledged the idea of ever having to uproot what they built scared them and most of them were very empathic to the situation while a very few were not . . . but more on that story later.

Moving a Business is Scary

The idea of moving a business is scary and used to be anxiety inducing for me but I am here to tell you a secret, it doesn’t have to be.  I was unwilling to be defined by what the industry norm was and determined to find ways to make my business fit our family lifestyle.  Since repeating the process over several moves I have seen my profits double, client inquiries and bookings occur before ever reaching the new city we are moving to, as well as an increase in repeat clients.  I am here to tell you that moving a business and restarting doesn’t have to be scary or spell the death of your business.  Increased business success is possible and I can’t wait to start sharing with you here on the blog.  Want more actionable information?  Make sure you grab our 5 tips to moving your business below!

