Content Creation When You Have Nothing

content marketing during covid-19

Content Creation when you have no clientsContent Creation When You Have Nothing

Last week I talked about what to do during Covid-19 and how as a creative business owner we had to keep moving forward.  During mandatory shelter in place orders there are things we can still be doing to grow and market our business.  This week we are focusing on content creation when you have nothing to share.

Whether you are reading this as a newly minted photographer or a seasoned business owner this will apply to you.  We all have seasons where we feel like we have no content to push forward.  It’s frustrating to know you need to put out content but have NOTHING.  But, my question to you is . . do you really have nothing?  Here are a few things you can do to create something out of nothing.

Look At Trends

Head over to Google Trends and look at topics that your ideal client would be interested in.  What is currently trending?  Can you write a blog post about that?  Yes, I said blog post.  I know that most people don’t want to write blog posts anymore but it is one of the best ways to grow your business and is the cornerstone for our content marketing.  By looking at places like Google Trends you can ensure that what you are writing is at the forefront of what clients are looking for.

Collaborate With Others

When you have no content to share, turn to your community.  This is the best time to create collaborative content or even interview a fellow creative business owner so that they can share great content on your blog that provides value to those reading your blog.  To learn more about how to create collaborative content head to our youtube channel.

Planning for the Rest of the Year

As you begin to plan content for your marketing to restart the engine of your business, you may be wondering how to plan that content out for the rest of the year.  We have just the thing to help you do that.  You can either check back here later in the month to read all about how to create a content plan for the rest of the year or you can join us for our content creation course here and our private facebook group here.what to do when you have no clients