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When we build a business, we never think that some of the things we are doing might just be hurting us and our ability to succeed. This is even more important when we frequently move our business and need it to be on point and ready to go before we ever arrive at our new […]
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The Slow Season For most photography businesses, the slow season runs from December through February depending on your geographical location. In some places farther north with the lack of indoor studio space, it may run longer, so what do you do with that time where you may not be photographing as much? Rest We seem to […]
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A Dangerous Mindset in Business Where your mind is set can make or break your business. One of the most dangerous mindsets we can fall into as business owners is the place where we say “What’s the point, I move in two years” and then go about our day and our business from that perspective. […]
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Scheduling and Business I love schedules and knowing what comes next. I am a creature of habit and I thrive best in a well functioning and orderly space. That being said, my husband also calls me the “Pile Queen” because when life gets busy, my system of scheduling, workflow, and organization tends to look a […]
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Privacy and Business I sat in a mentoring session a few weeks ago with a new photographer. Her website is launching soon and she was struggling to figure out what to blog about. She wanted her family and her life to remain private which left her feeling like she was between a rock and a […]
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A Preschool Pick-up Line and Leaving Your Mark Last week I was headed into pick -up my daughter from preschool and saw what would normally have been an unremarkable and boring white line in the concrete. However, it was broken up and marred by the most perfect imprint of a leaf. That little crunchy fragile […]
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Pricing and Romance in Your Business A few years back I realized that I was in love with my pricing but our romance was not getting me anywhere! I was looking at the relationship I had with my pricing through rose colored glasses and not the harsh light of reality. It took my sweet business […]
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You are amazing at what you do but it feels like it doesn't matter because that amazing business you built for three years just got wiped out by current circumstances . . you're tired of trying to rebuild over and over . . and no one seems to get it!
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