A Time for Rest I was starting to lay out schedules and meetings for the rest of 2016 last night and couldn’t believe the summer has zipped by already.  J and I were chatting over a glass of wine and reruns of Malcolm in the Middle and realized it had been two whole years since we took a […]

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Making a Game Plan The idea of making a business game plan amidst an ever growing mountain of moving boxes and a baby crying left me wanting to bury my head in a pile of cake.  That was several years ago and it wasn’t a pretty sight.  I had spent countless hours researching where to […]

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The Need for Community Being the “new girl” in town every three to four years can certainly shine a light on your need for community quicker than anything else.  Our first and second move as a newly married couple was eye opening to this.  Our first home was in a historic neighborhood with other families who […]

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Fear and Business Fear can be either a powerful motivator or a giant cement weight around our necks, dragging us down and drowning our true potential.  As business owners, we have big dreams of providing for our families and having the financial freedom to be our own boss.  For some of us, that dream has […]

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Education When I started this business, it really wasn’t one.  The reality was that it was a hobby where I got to create pretty artwork and be creative.  There was no attention paid to PNL statements or ROI and there certainly was no type of workflow.  The honest truth was that the business ran me […]

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Things I Wish I Knew in Business I started taking portraits back in 2007 when friends and neighbors were deploying to Iraq left and right.  The value of a portrait was foremost in our minds but for me the concept of running a business was not.  I was a middle school art teacher at the time […]

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Why Publication Matters When it comes to moving, publication can matter but not for the reasons you think.  In dealing with moving a business, it has a lot more to do with SEO and being found than street cred and bragging rights.  While a publication from a well known blog or magazine is amazing and I […]

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You are amazing at what you do but it feels like it doesn't matter because that amazing business you built for three years just got wiped out by current circumstances . . you're tired of trying to rebuild over and over . . and no one seems to get it!

I have been there to. . .
so no worries my friend, I can help!

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