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How to Hire a Social Media Manager Today we have round two of a guest blog series from Charlese of the Girl at the Yellow Desk on how to hire a social media manager. To see the first blog post in the series, head here. Now that you have decided to hire someone to create […]
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Wedding Photography Pricing Guide | Which Pricing Model is for you? In order for you to run a successful photography business your pricing has to be spot on. With so many opinions, which pricing model is right for me? In today’s blog we are going to give you a comprehensive wedding photography pricing guide so […]
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How to Know When to Outsource Running a business can be kinda hard and sometimes you just need help. But how do you know when to outsource tasks? When I was opening my salon, it was a huge undertaking. It required business plans and licenses and building permits and all of this was on my […]
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Networking Mindset Earlier this month we talked about inward and outward mindset and why this was important not only in ones personal life but also from the perspective of networking. A networking mindset that is healthy can help your business explode while an inward one will kill it. To read the first part of this […]
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Outward Mindset Journey My husband and I embarked on a mindset journey about three years ago started with him going to a work conference. When he came home he was really excited to tell me something that caught me by surprise: “Honey our problem is we are in an inward mindset”. Now, I had no […]
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Get Started in Branding Photography Business branding photography (also called personal braining photography) is on the rise within the photography community. Today, we are joined by Los Angeles premiere personal branding photographer Bernadette Marciniak, a recent student of our Restart Course. Bernadette was not always in the branding photography business. She was working as a […]
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Album Pricing Guide Part 2 Today we are back with part 2 of our album pricing guide. Last week we focused on how to pick your album company and determine the option you will offer. In part 2, we are going to cover how to actually price the album and options that we chose from […]
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You are amazing at what you do but it feels like it doesn't matter because that amazing business you built for three years just got wiped out by current circumstances . . you're tired of trying to rebuild over and over . . and no one seems to get it!
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